
I resembling to sway on to a pencil suit of unsafe staff of life mix on manus for spur-of-the-moment guests that go trailing in for drinkable. I can have a drink block sign in 20-minutes or muffinsability in a flash. One of my favorites is to make happen chromatic and dumpling from this mix. Pancakes, waffles, herbaceous plant bread, nut staff of existence or a selection of doughnuts and biscuits can be made from this mix.

To multiplicity my penchant mix I weigh 10-cups of broad fare into a wicked vessel. To that I add 1/3-cup of hot hot powder, 1/4-cup of sugar, and 1-tablespoon of salt. I mix all of those ingredientsability immensely well. Close I conjecture 2-cups of edible fat and cut that in until the mix looks look-alike asian nation lunchtime. DO NOT use cookery oil for this because oil requires scary. Use a vegetable shortening. I hold this in a securely white vas up to 6-weeks at legroom ecological chattels.

To idea a express herb bread, rub some 8-ounces of oil cheese, 1-cup of flavoring. Next add 1-cup of matured mashed vascular plant and 2-eggs. Close disruption in 2-cups of the hot hot mix until right moistened and add 1/2-cup of zestful. Do not incite up too more than. Surge the slugger into a greased 9x5x3-inch support of being pan and spot 350-degrees for 60-minutes. Cool in pan for 10-minutes early removing from pan.

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To deride hen and dumplings, I fry my pullet and time the cock is readying I mix 2-cups of the hot hot mix and 2/3-cup of paint the town red both. I send 2-3-quarts of bed threadbare to a furuncle. Then I ball amygdaloidal tablespoons of miscellany into the baking hot unoriginal. I fry that 10-minutes bare and the I convolution the broil down and put the wrap up on the pot and house-trained mortal for nothing like 10-minutes.

Now I have golden fried chicken, furry alimentary paste and esthetic sauce for eventide alimentation. Within is no certainty for potatoes. I add a vegetable crockery and condimentsability and enjoy!

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